I’ve been told that it would be appropriate if I sort of told the blog readers about last year, so here goes:
2008, what a year! It started with January and ended with December. Would you believe it?
Anyway, this was my 2008.
January: Went out for drinks with the girls just about every Tuesday. Got sick and vomited all over my place and was brought to hospital. Quite a few lookers among the doctors!
February: Went out for drinks with the girls just about every Tuesday. Watched the dogs mate every afternoon.
March: Went out for drinks with the girls just about every Tuesday. Discovered the Internet! Lots of porn out there, not that I had a look every night. It’s interesting to know that it’s there though.
April: Aaaah, spring! I had a Champagne blast in the garden with friends. Some poor people tried to steal some oysters, but I had the guys from SÄPO to release the hounds. Mind you, these people probably hadn’t had much to eat recently, but boy did they run! Got
May: Went out for drinks with the girls just about every Tuesday. Was talked into starting blogging. Got a load of new friends on the Internet. Had SÄPO to check them out in order to avoid people with a yearly income less than 1 000 000 kr. Lost most of my friends on the Internet.
June: Went out for drinks with the girls just about every Tuesday. Forgot the Internet on the 12th of June. Re-discovered the Internet on the 13th of June. Lots of porn out there, not that I had a look every night.
July: Don't remember a thing. Guess I went to the Wimbledon. Borg won, didn't he?
August: Was told by Gusty that my shopping had reached unbelievable heights. Keep it up, he said and increased my allowance. Stjärnorna på slottet was shot in Skåne. Went out for drinks with the girls just about every Tuesday.
Took a fall in my home and was rushed to the lookers at the hospital. Turned out I had broke my hip. Drank lots of Champagne when coming home.
September: Discovered cable television. Spent most of that month indoors except on Tuesday nights.
October: Went out for drinks with the girls just about every Tuesday. Rewarded my hard-working staff with an additional 30 kronor for their good job. I think they went roller-skating.
November: Spent most of that dreadful month in Nice. Flew in the girls every Tuesday. Had Gusty to pay for their air fares.
December: Father Christmas arrived with lots of goodies. I thought about giving some of it away to feed some poor kids somewhere at a place I don’t know the name of and never will go to. It sounded plain stupid so I decided against it. Went out for drinks with the girls just about every Tuesday.
Well, there you are. Happy New Year and all that crap.
And remember, I’m a princess and what I say goes. All right?

8 kommentarer:
Helt vid sidan om ämnet: Jag har lagt ner min blogg. Tack för hedrande länkning, men nu leder länken till tomma intet. (annanutsikt)
Ha ha ha ha!
Lilian rules!
On Thee our hopes we fix!
Did you read the fabulous book "Ur en kos dagbok" by Beppe Wolgers?
Lovely to hear from you again!
Jag ser att du redan börjat relaxa på jobbet. Säger som Gusty; keep up the good work! :D
You made my morning, thanks my dear!
Pyssesmall: No, should I bother?
Ullah: Cheers!
görel: My pleasure!
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